
Orewa Daycare

Orewa Daycare: Witness our expertise in action as we took part in the construction of a brand-new daycare facility in Orewa, providing a safe and nurturing environment for children to learn and grow.

Studio One Toi Tu

Studio One Heritage Building: We undertook an extensive renovation project, preserving the rich heritage of Studio One while revitalising it for modern creative endeavours.

Panelab Factory

Panelab Factory: Witness the remarkable transformation achieved through our complete overhaul, optimising efficiency and productivity for Panelab’s manufacturing operations.

205 Queen Basement Conversion

205 Queen Basement Conversion: We successfully transformed the basement of 205 Queen into a functional and innovative space, optimising its use for the building’s occupants.

205 Queen Lobby Areas

205 Queen: Elevating the Building Experience. We embarked on extensive lobby area upgrades throughout the building, enhancing aesthetics and functionality for an elevated experience.